Ellen Ernst Kossek
Ellen Kossek | Professor Researcher and Author | Indiana

Award-winning renowned organizational behavior, gender, and work-family expert.

A professor, researcher, and writer, Ellen Ernst Kossek applies the science of work-life balance to the real world.

Kossek is a leading U.S. social scientist and thought leader on work-family and employment issues. She studies how people, managers, and organizations can improve workplace cultures and the effectiveness of work-family policies to foster well-being at work and home. She is the Basil S. Turner Distinguished professor at Purdue University’s Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business and the author, most recently, of “Creating Gender Inclusive Organizations” and CEO of Me: Creating a life that Works in the Flexible Job Age.”

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Work with Ellen &

Obtain Work-Life Balance

Ellen delivers keynote speeches, leadership training and interactive workshops, advises policy-makers, and partners on research for organizational change across the globe.
